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サムイ島 今日のお天気 プラヤイ寺 (ビッグブッダ)

サムイ島 今日のお天気  プラヤイ寺 (ビッグブッダ)

Koh Samui Wat Phra yai.jpg

早朝雨 その後曇 時々晴れ間 最低25℃ 最高30.4℃ 湿度64-90% 微弱風


場所 プラヤイ寺のビッグブッダ。この時期にしては朝から観光客が多くにぎわっていました。こんな天気でも上まで登れば汗がにじみます。


タイ気象庁注意報 Heavy rain and strong wind-wave in Southern Thailand


  1. kinumi より:

    Thank you for comment.
    NE wind(it’s monsoon season start) already coming end of OCT. But this year we don’t have serious rain or very strong and hard rain yet. It’s mean no raining all day.
    and unbelievable beautiful beach and sun could see 2nd week of this month. Also wind and wave forecast were normal until yesterday.
    So catamaran still use main pier Maenam.(last year they moved early oct to Nathon instead of maenam .)
    NE wind continue to more, but current clouded and windy days finish around Friday one time. may be another one come later.
    we don’t have much rain this month, so I’m worry about rain during Crhistmas- Newyear.

  2. shimizu chiari より:

    I heard that raining season has started yesterday? It seems a bit late for usual. We are going there from 29th… Is it true weather news there that monsoon will be gone by Friday this week?
